Wednesday 25 February 2015

Cutting my hair?!?!

Hello Everyone!

I have had a manic start to the week. I had an assignment due in for yesterday (as well as a long day), and I made the mistake of leaving it for the last 2 days. I managed to get it all finished and handed in, but I did end up with 4 hours sleep the other night (yikes!!). This meant last night I spent hours sleeping (probably about 12 hours!), and so I'm all caught up on sleep now, but I think I've overslept so I'm still knackered!

 Tonight I think I'm going out - so that'll be nice. I'm looking forward to just letting my hair down and having fun. I still need to have dinner and everything - so guess I better start getting ready soon!

 Last night I was just lying in bed and thinking - does anybody else's brain go into overdrive when they should be sleeping?. I was wondering: have you ever not done something out of fear of what others may think of you? Why do we care what others think?! Recently, Its become more and more aware to me, now that I'm in my twenties, lots more people care what others think of them. But why should we care? Shouldn't you love yourself for you and nobody else? I think its so important to love yourself before someone else. I'm still learning to love myself, some days its harder than others. Some days I feel super confident and happy, and other days I just want to sit in my comfiest pyjamas and stay in bed. I don't think theres any problems with this - some days I know I eat badly, others I eat well. Some days I go to the gym, others I don't. Just random thoughts.

 Im also thinking about cutting my hair! At the moment, my hair (when straight) goes down the the middle of my chest. I want to cut it so that it just hits my shoulders - like this:

 My hair at the moment is brunette, probably around Kylie's colour, with blonde dip dye (which is kind of fading into a dark brown. Has anybody else cut their hair to make it shorter when its been around chest length!?!

 This post has kind of been everywhere - so I hope thats okay. Just my ramblings of today!  

 Lucy Victoria xo


  1. Hello! I completely agree, I have recently decided that I don't care what other people think anymore, life is too short! ps. we love your blog and how personal and open you are on it, we were just wondering if you would be able to look at our new personal, lifestyle and beauty blog, that would be amazing! Thanks :) xx
    We are also on Bloglovin as 'Happy Dreamers' xx

    1. Hi Jessica! Thanks for your comment:) I've followed you guys on blog lovin!
      Life is too short! I totally agree - does that mean you think I should just go for it & cut my hair?!! Haha! Have a good Sunday!xx
