Hello Everyone!
Happy Sunday. Hope everyones looking forward to a fun week ahead (Who else DREADS Mondays?!?!). I've been out twice this week, so Wednesday and Friday were fun nights for me with my friends. This week I also know that I've been procrastinating to the max. I have a deadline on Tuesday and all I seem to have done is potter around the subject, writing the slightest few facts that I need to know. I definitely need to buckle down and finish that today, and here I am writing down a post at 4am. You know why I'm here at 4am? I'm watching Netflix. I have become obsessed, and I can't stop watching series.
One of the series on Netflix that I am loving right now is The Carrie Diaries. Based on the story before Sex and The City, The Carrie Diaries follows a young Carrie Bradshaw in high school. It stars AnnaSophia Robb as Carrie, and the adorable Austin Butler as Sebastian Kidd. I could watch Austin Butler all day - I am seriously going crazy. There are 2 series of this, as unfortunately it was cancelled back in May 2014. That makes me ridiculously sad because I honestly love it so much, so you should definitely try and watch it. I can sit for hours and just watch it (I accidentally watched 7 hours of it yesterday...)
Another series I bingewatched when it first came out was Orange is the New Black. Again, there are 2 series of this, and follows Piper when she gets put into an all woman's jail. I loved the first series of this programme, although I wasn't a massive lover of the second series. But, either way, I'd definitely recommend giving this programme a watch.
Greek was a programme which I had never heard of before until I logged into Netflix one day and it was there. I decided to add it to my list, not thinking much of it. However, One day when I was bored, I decided to start watching it. And what a mistake - I don't think I did anything for the next 2 weeks. On Netflix there are 4 "chapters" which go through the stages of Casey Cartwright's experience at university once her brother has joined. Honestly - I loved this.
My favourite programme to date. The Vampire Diaries is something that I just fell in love with. Following Elena Gilbert, a girl who happened to get involved with the Salvatore brothers because of who she was a doppleganger of. On Netflix there are 5 Seasons, each episode around 40 minutes long. This was the first series I ever watched on Netflix and it took me a month to get through the whole series. I'm also very attracted to the majority of the male cast, so I couldn't really go wrong here...
A follow up from The Vampire Diaries, The Originals goes back to the beginning, setting the scene for the ever popular VD. Although this series doesn't have the Salvatore brothers at the beginning, its very addictive and worth watching. If you like the Vampire Diaries, you'll love The Originals. There's only one season on the British Netflix, but you can access the other series online elsewhere.
Who doesn't love a little bit of Drama?! Gossip Girl has that, following Serena and Blair in NY, and has a flawless cast. On Netflix, there are 6 seasons, so plenty of watching! I'm still working through this series, but I am loving it!
Life Unexpected was also something that I had never heard of before seeing it pop up on my recommended Netflix list. Again, I added it to my list for a rainy day, and when that came I decided to click and watch a few episodes. However, A few episodes (and hours) later, I found I was again addicted to the programme. Life Unexpected follows an unconventional family - Teenager Lux found her birth parents (who had been separated before her birth), and wormed her way back into their lives, with lots of twists of course. There is one season on Netflix, but there is another that can be found online elsewhere!

Probably the most unexpected that I loved on my list is American Horror Story. I am absolutely terrified of Horror normally, but I love watching this programme. I love the fact that all seasons are different, and follow different characters. I also love Evan Peters - a little bit of an odd crush for me to have I think! I can never watch American Horror Story at night (or in the dark), because it absolutely terrifies me (haha), but my housemate has assured me season 3 is not as scary as Asylum, so I'll start watching that when I've finished with The Carrie Diaries!! (There are 3 series of this on Netflix!!)
I know that my sister and my housemates have really enjoyed watching Pretty Little Liars on Netflix, and my parents really love Breaking Bad. I have lots on my list which I'm looking forward to watching, including PLL, BB, Greys Anatomy and ALL 10 SEASONS OF FRIENDS!!!! What?!?!
Who cares about my degree? Certainly not Netflix!!
Let me know what you've loved watching at the moment!! Is there anything on Netflix which I should put on my list?!
Have a good week, and I'll see you all again on Wednesday!
Lucy Victoria xo