Sunday 25 January 2015

Food for Thought...

Hello Everyone!

  I think i'm going to try and update every Wednesday and Sunday (except maybe this coming week because its my birthday and I'm partying on Wednesday and its my actual birthday Sunday - As of next week I'll no longer be a teenager!). A little bit of a heavier topic this Sunday, but I also feel like one that needs to be understood and recognised a lot more than it is currently. 

 This week I was scrolling through, which is a website which I look at before I update my Tumblr, and I came across the photo above. It really got me thinking, and honestly I'd love to know everyone elses opinion. 

 It got me thinking about bullying. Everyone has experienced some form of bullying, whether it be being bullied, or seeing someone else get bullied. It also got me thinking about cyberbullying, because I spend a lot of my time on websites such as Youtube, Tumblr, Twitter and Facebook. Nowadays, comments on Youtube are filled with hate, Twitter is filled with 'indirects' and Facebook is the same. People have killed themselves over cyberbullying, such as Amanda Todd, whose youtube video went viral after she died, and I feel like this is a topic which people just skip over and don't understand. People sit behind a screen and type what they feel, not thinking how it may affect someone at the end of the comment. Yes, Youtubers may understand why they get 'hate', but they shouldn't have too. Zoella, for example, recently became under scrutiny due to her book being 'Ghost Written'. Okay, I agree that perhaps while she should have admitted it (IF it's even true), there is absolutely no reason why she should get 'hate' over this. Someone like Zoella creates content for other people to enjoy and watch and even read. She could stop at any point, and someday, someone will stop creating content due to the lack of thought within peoples comments. In my experience, the consequences of cyberbullying need to be more widely thought about. You do not know the person behind the screen, so why should you feel the need or feel like you have the right to tell them what you don't like? 

Now, think about this. If every single time you said something nasty about someone, a scar appeared on their body, would you still let those words leave your mouth? 
If what was being written "behind the screen" actually physically scarred someone, would you type out that hate comment? 

In my opinion, if words physically scarred, either everyone would be covered in scars, or the world would be a much happier place. It would definitely make me think twice before speaking. 

I would also recommend that if anyone feels like you are being targeted, tell someone. A parent, Close Friend, Teacher. Do not tackle this by yourself! 

As always, let me know what you think on this topic! and also, a much happier topic next Wednesday! 

Lucy Victoria xo


  1. Such a thought provoking post! People really can be awful online, I know I've received my fair share of abuse and it really isn't nice, people should really think before they open their mouths! // UK Fashion Blog

    1. Thank you Amy! I completely agree. If people did just think more, I reckon the world would be a much nicer place!

  2. This is a really interesting thought, and I think that if people could physically see that they were hurting another oerson with their words it would be a much less common thing - people just don't think!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty Blog

    1. I agree, If physical scars were to appear, words would no longer be 'just words' and hurtful comments would be much less common! Thank you for your reply! It's lovely to see other peoples views!

  3. true story.
    following you on bloglovin' and twitter. hope you'll look for me too. see you around!

    a possible fantasy

    1. Thank you for your comment!
      Ive found you on twitter & Bloglovin!

  4. Truly inspiring! Followed you on bloglovin :)
    Feel free to follow back <3
