Wednesday, 19 August 2015


Hello Everyone!

 If someone who looked like me, just slightly older, had come up to me when I was younger and told me these things, I probably wouldn't have believed them. However, heres 5 things that I would have told myself, had I been able to speak to myself in the past. So, I guess these are 5 things I wish I had known earlier.

1). That boy doesn't "love" you. You're 16. Do not waste those 2 years. Stay whilst you're happy and as soon as he starts treating you badly, or you don't feel as appreciated, leave. Trust me. You will be so much happier and way more independent when you are by yourself. You don't need him, you only need yourself. Most importantly, Life does go on. You won't miss him when it finally ends, but instead you'll be relieved that you're finally able to live how you've wanted to for the past year. Yes, there were so many happy memories, and I won't ever forget the relationship, but he doesn't love you, and honestly, you didn't love him (even if your 16 year old self screams 'I do!!!!').

2). Don't worry about the future. Everything will settle into place and just carry on as you're doing. What happens, happens for a reason. You didn't get into camp that summer? Thats fine! You managed to get a job and see friends and go on holiday with new friends, all experiences that you wouldn't have had if you worried about the future. The panic that you have on a daily basis will not ruin your chances of doing anything. You will succeed at school, and get to where you need to be at university. Live everyday as it comes and please, DO NOT WORRY.

3). Don't fight with your family. Physically or emotionally. It causes unnecessary issues and honestly, they are the 3 people who are going to stand by you whatever you do, albeit the times that they argued with you over dinner, or whether you REALLY needed to say that in that situation! Love them and be loved back. You know how your parents work, and your sister. You know that you forgive quickly and love a lot (even though the quick forgiveness is not always a positive - "I don't understand how you can be shouting at me one moment, and then act like nothing happened the next!" - Sibling, 20--). I just don't see the point in carrying on arguing if you've said what you need to say. Your parents will always be there for you, and if you need anything, they will be the first people there to give you love and advice - and money (sometimes..Thanks Dad!!!). Appreciate them for what they're worth, and they'll do the same for you.

4). Do you really need to buy that? The amount of money you could have saved if you didn't buy that top, or those shoes, or that dress. When you were 14 and that jacket seemed like a great idea? PUT IT DOWN NOW. Save the money for something that you really want and need, or will use! The amount of clothes you bought and used once is not okay. Think about when you went shopping and saw that really nice brown and white strappy top (which you wouldn't be seen out dead in now...), what possessed you to buy it!? Okay, yes younger me, I'll agree with you. Not everything you brought was crap, or horrible. But don't buy things for the sake of buying things, because you will regret it. If you see something you want but don't buy it, and you keep thinking about it, then buy it. But don't buy stuff just because you want that Jane Norman or Hollister bag for P.E...

5). Confidence. Confidence is everything. You are strong and you know it. There is a difference between Confidence and Cockiness. You show that you're confident in all sort of situations. Flying by yourself to America? Go on girl!! Meeting new people at University, school, holidays?! You've always been so good at it! But, don't let that confidence falter. Don't let people see that you are nervous around them, do not let comments about your body or your looks make you lack in confidence. Those days you sat wishing you looked different or acted different in a certain situation? Those all stemmed from comments from other people! Love yourself for who you are and what you do and trust me, you will succeed. You are confident, and people love that about you. It will help you in the future, just don't let others get you down. Take that confidence, and put it into something positive. You can never be too confident about what you want to do.

 Lucy Victoria xo

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