Hello Everyone!
If someone who looked like me, just slightly older, had come up to me when I was younger and told me these things, I probably wouldn't have believed them. However, heres 5 things that I would have told myself, had I been able to speak to myself in the past. So, I guess these are 5 things I wish I had known earlier.
1). That boy doesn't "love" you. You're 16. Do not waste those 2 years. Stay whilst you're happy and as soon as he starts treating you badly, or you don't feel as appreciated, leave. Trust me. You will be so much happier and way more independent when you are by yourself. You don't need him, you only need yourself. Most importantly, Life does go on. You won't miss him when it finally ends, but instead you'll be relieved that you're finally able to live how you've wanted to for the past year. Yes, there were so many happy memories, and I won't ever forget the relationship, but he doesn't love you, and honestly, you didn't love him (even if your 16 year old self screams 'I do!!!!').
2). Don't worry about the future. Everything will settle into place and just carry on as you're doing. What happens, happens for a reason. You didn't get into camp that summer? Thats fine! You managed to get a job and see friends and go on holiday with new friends, all experiences that you wouldn't have had if you worried about the future. The panic that you have on a daily basis will not ruin your chances of doing anything. You will succeed at school, and get to where you need to be at university. Live everyday as it comes and please, DO NOT WORRY.
3). Don't fight with your family. Physically or emotionally. It causes unnecessary issues and honestly, they are the 3 people who are going to stand by you whatever you do, albeit the times that they argued with you over dinner, or whether you REALLY needed to say that in that situation! Love them and be loved back. You know how your parents work, and your sister. You know that you forgive quickly and love a lot (even though the quick forgiveness is not always a positive - "I don't understand how you can be shouting at me one moment, and then act like nothing happened the next!" - Sibling, 20--). I just don't see the point in carrying on arguing if you've said what you need to say. Your parents will always be there for you, and if you need anything, they will be the first people there to give you love and advice - and money (sometimes..Thanks Dad!!!). Appreciate them for what they're worth, and they'll do the same for you.
4). Do you really need to buy that? The amount of money you could have saved if you didn't buy that top, or those shoes, or that dress. When you were 14 and that jacket seemed like a great idea? PUT IT DOWN NOW. Save the money for something that you really want and need, or will use! The amount of clothes you bought and used once is not okay. Think about when you went shopping and saw that really nice brown and white strappy top (which you wouldn't be seen out dead in now...), what possessed you to buy it!? Okay, yes younger me, I'll agree with you. Not everything you brought was crap, or horrible. But don't buy things for the sake of buying things, because you will regret it. If you see something you want but don't buy it, and you keep thinking about it, then buy it. But don't buy stuff just because you want that Jane Norman or Hollister bag for P.E...
5). Confidence. Confidence is everything. You are strong and you know it. There is a difference between Confidence and Cockiness. You show that you're confident in all sort of situations. Flying by yourself to America? Go on girl!! Meeting new people at University, school, holidays?! You've always been so good at it! But, don't let that confidence falter. Don't let people see that you are nervous around them, do not let comments about your body or your looks make you lack in confidence. Those days you sat wishing you looked different or acted different in a certain situation? Those all stemmed from comments from other people! Love yourself for who you are and what you do and trust me, you will succeed. You are confident, and people love that about you. It will help you in the future, just don't let others get you down. Take that confidence, and put it into something positive. You can never be too confident about what you want to do.
Lucy Victoria xo
Wednesday, 19 August 2015
Wednesday, 12 August 2015
Hello Everyone,
It’s been a super long time since I wrote on here. Its currently August, and I have been quite busy over the summer.
I have been back at work where I have been for the last three years, or summers should I say. For me, July and August are also super busy months for birthdays. Not only is it my sisters birthday (she just turned 23), its also two of my best friends birthday. In the end of August, theres also a few more birthdays up and coming, from Uni friends to family friends. Its so exciting!! If only it was mine.
I have been going out a few times, both at home and back at university. Nothing can beat a good night out with my friends, which make me laugh until I cry. Laughing until I cry is actually something that happens to me very easily. Sometimes, its super unfortunate as I cry at the smallest of things, but I do think that it makes me smile a lot more.
One of the most exciting things that happened this summer was that I attended Glastonbury Festival. I have never been to a festival before, so having Glastonbury as my very first one was absolutely incredible. My favourite acts were definitely Ella Eyre, Clean Bandit, Everything Everything, Charli XCX and tons of other people. At night, me and my sister went to see loads of DJ’s, and there was some really cool areas to explore. We really liked the Arcadia stage, which was a massive spider which blew fire and had a couple of moving things from the legs. The other of my favourite things to do was the silent disco near the park stage. The Dj’s were absolutely hilarious as well as playing some good music on both of the 2 channels that were available. I cannot wait to return next year!!
The reason I’m updating, is that I am off travelling Europe very shortly!! I go with my best friend since high school, and joining us in Amsterdam is one of our other best friends. We will be starting in Amsterdam, then travelling further to Berlin, Prague, Vienna and then Budapest. We are staying in hostels, so will be able to meet so many people. We will also be getting very drunk, and exploring so many cities. We have got a plan of loads of things we want to do and see, so its going to be a super fulfilling trip and possible fairly expensive. However, this is something that I’ve wanted to do for so long and I am so excited. So, I’ll update you guys as I go along!!! (hopefully), But i’ll make sure to post when I get back :)
Hope everyone is doing well!!
Lucy xo
It’s been a super long time since I wrote on here. Its currently August, and I have been quite busy over the summer.
I have been back at work where I have been for the last three years, or summers should I say. For me, July and August are also super busy months for birthdays. Not only is it my sisters birthday (she just turned 23), its also two of my best friends birthday. In the end of August, theres also a few more birthdays up and coming, from Uni friends to family friends. Its so exciting!! If only it was mine.
I have been going out a few times, both at home and back at university. Nothing can beat a good night out with my friends, which make me laugh until I cry. Laughing until I cry is actually something that happens to me very easily. Sometimes, its super unfortunate as I cry at the smallest of things, but I do think that it makes me smile a lot more.
One of the most exciting things that happened this summer was that I attended Glastonbury Festival. I have never been to a festival before, so having Glastonbury as my very first one was absolutely incredible. My favourite acts were definitely Ella Eyre, Clean Bandit, Everything Everything, Charli XCX and tons of other people. At night, me and my sister went to see loads of DJ’s, and there was some really cool areas to explore. We really liked the Arcadia stage, which was a massive spider which blew fire and had a couple of moving things from the legs. The other of my favourite things to do was the silent disco near the park stage. The Dj’s were absolutely hilarious as well as playing some good music on both of the 2 channels that were available. I cannot wait to return next year!!
Hope everyone is doing well!!
Lucy xo
Monday, 27 April 2015
My Trip To Bahrain & Other Little Bits!
Hello Everyone!
I recently travelled to Bahrain, which is in the Middle East. It's a tiny little island which is 34 miles long and 11 miles wide. It is so close to Saudi Arabia, as well as Qatar. In fact, when flying out there your flight would be to Doha (the capital of Qatar) via Bahrain. This shows how little it is! The capital of Bahrain is Manama, and I stayed around this region whilst I was there. Here is a map to show this!:
On the 29th of March, 2015, I flew out to stay with one of my best friends from university and her twin sister. They have lived in Bahrain for coming up to 7 years - a long time!. I was unsure of what to expect when flying out there, as I had visited both Saudi Arabia and Dubai before. I kind of expected Bahrain to be like Dubai, only smaller, but it was not like this at all. Instead, everyone lived in compounds which were compromised of huge houses, each with numerous living rooms, large kitchens, and equally as large bedrooms. Each house I visited was fancy, and made me very jealous! The roads were still being developed, with some being completed and others just ending suddenly. At the side of some of the roads would be little pop up shops, which sold fruit, animals or even popcorn. The capital, Manama, was developed and built up, and there was one super mall which was completely developed and lovely. So, to me, Bahrain was just kind of a load of built up buildings and then undeveloped buildings.
Sitting around the pool led to many 'pool days' and it was nice to be able to meet loads of my friends friends. From going to university every day with someone, you learn a lot about their life and home and their friends and family, and it was nice to be able to put names to faces and create friendships with some of these people as well. The likelihood of me seeing them again is very high!
We also went to a few restaurants for dinner. The first was this beautiful little Italian just round the corner from my friends compound, which we went to on one of my first nights in Bahrain. Out of the compounds, and in public places, you have to be respectful of the culture and the way they dress. This meant that I ended up wearing my leggings a lot (which I had been warned about) with a t-shirt which covered up my shoulders. However, when going to the bars, hotels or restaurants, this dress code wasn't strict, nor fully necessary, so whilst still dressing respectfully, it was okay to still wear playsuits and dresses.
Another restaurant we went to was a place called 'Traders" which had an extortionate menu, and was absolutely delightful. They have these restaurants all around the world, so if you ever come across one I would definitely recommend going!
On the first Friday I was there, my friends decided to take me to something they called "Brunch". I had already been warned about this, but decided to not listen to them and to take on a completely new opinion. Brunch, let me tell you, is held in a hotel. Within the hotel, you pay a specific amount of money and get unlimited food, and wait for it, unlimited alcohol - a selection of cocktails, wine and beer. At one point, I was sitting around the table with a plate of hummus and pitta bread, 4 glasses of wine and a cocktail. Safe to say I didn't quite handle brunch (except I did last till 11.30pm, brunch and 2 bars later..)
I recently travelled to Bahrain, which is in the Middle East. It's a tiny little island which is 34 miles long and 11 miles wide. It is so close to Saudi Arabia, as well as Qatar. In fact, when flying out there your flight would be to Doha (the capital of Qatar) via Bahrain. This shows how little it is! The capital of Bahrain is Manama, and I stayed around this region whilst I was there. Here is a map to show this!:
On the 29th of March, 2015, I flew out to stay with one of my best friends from university and her twin sister. They have lived in Bahrain for coming up to 7 years - a long time!. I was unsure of what to expect when flying out there, as I had visited both Saudi Arabia and Dubai before. I kind of expected Bahrain to be like Dubai, only smaller, but it was not like this at all. Instead, everyone lived in compounds which were compromised of huge houses, each with numerous living rooms, large kitchens, and equally as large bedrooms. Each house I visited was fancy, and made me very jealous! The roads were still being developed, with some being completed and others just ending suddenly. At the side of some of the roads would be little pop up shops, which sold fruit, animals or even popcorn. The capital, Manama, was developed and built up, and there was one super mall which was completely developed and lovely. So, to me, Bahrain was just kind of a load of built up buildings and then undeveloped buildings.
I flew out on the 29th of March and took this photo whilst I was travelling. I had a day flight, so it wasn't bad at all. I found myself having to get to the airport around 8.15am, so I could check my bag in and print off my boarding pass - because you need a visa for Bahrain you aren't allowed to print a boarding pass without airport security doing relevant checks. The flight itself is 7 hours from Heathrow if you get a direct flight, which tends to follow on to Doha (in Qatar) when its dropped the plane passengers in Bahrain.
On some of the first days I was there, my friends took me to a couple of bars and this was interesting for me to see as I didn't think that it would be easy to get alcohol in the country, at least not being a female under the age of 21 (although the drinking age is 18, but still..). It deemed easy enough and led to some interesting nights. One of the main things they did out there which I found very bizarre was "Ladies Night", which meant that for a specific price, you could drink as much as you would like for however long you were there.
I also spent a lot of days by the pool, trying to build up a tan which I didn't quite achieve. My friends live in a beautiful home (which can kind of be seen in the image at the bottom), and it was so lovely to just sit around the pool with some music and relax. Our holiday song was definitely "Cheerleader" the Felix Jaehns remix by OMI, as well as "What I did for love" Morten Remix, by David Guetta. Everytime I listen to these songs now, all I can think of is sitting around the pool!
Sitting around the pool led to many 'pool days' and it was nice to be able to meet loads of my friends friends. From going to university every day with someone, you learn a lot about their life and home and their friends and family, and it was nice to be able to put names to faces and create friendships with some of these people as well. The likelihood of me seeing them again is very high!
We also went to a few restaurants for dinner. The first was this beautiful little Italian just round the corner from my friends compound, which we went to on one of my first nights in Bahrain. Out of the compounds, and in public places, you have to be respectful of the culture and the way they dress. This meant that I ended up wearing my leggings a lot (which I had been warned about) with a t-shirt which covered up my shoulders. However, when going to the bars, hotels or restaurants, this dress code wasn't strict, nor fully necessary, so whilst still dressing respectfully, it was okay to still wear playsuits and dresses.
Another restaurant we went to was a place called 'Traders" which had an extortionate menu, and was absolutely delightful. They have these restaurants all around the world, so if you ever come across one I would definitely recommend going!
On the first Friday I was there, my friends decided to take me to something they called "Brunch". I had already been warned about this, but decided to not listen to them and to take on a completely new opinion. Brunch, let me tell you, is held in a hotel. Within the hotel, you pay a specific amount of money and get unlimited food, and wait for it, unlimited alcohol - a selection of cocktails, wine and beer. At one point, I was sitting around the table with a plate of hummus and pitta bread, 4 glasses of wine and a cocktail. Safe to say I didn't quite handle brunch (except I did last till 11.30pm, brunch and 2 bars later..)
On one of the days, My friends mum took me on a tour of Bahrain. Whilst I chose not to go to any of the mosques, we drove past plenty and they looked magnificent. In addition to this, we went to the Souk which was a market place. Inside the alleyways were loads of little shops owned by locals and selling everything you could think of. This was the only place that reminded me of somewhere, and this was Turkey.
We also drove round the Island to see numerous different view points, and this is what you can see in the first image out the car window. A lot of Bahrain is man-made land, which surprised me. There were lots of controversial places, some having lots of wealth which was very obvious, and there were others so poor you could almost see them falling apart any time soon. They had a very americanised road near the army base, with all types of fast food shops and a few bars. This seemed very out of place to me, as the area surrounding this road was not like this at all.
On the 8th of April at 1am, I flew home. This flight time was so unfortunate and wasn't fun, except I did sleep the entire time home so I guess that was a good thing! My poor mother having to come pick me up at 6am from Heathrow Airport was probably not her favourite thing in the world!
Now I'm back at University, just sitting in the library trying to get through the mass of work I have to complete before I break up for the Summer. It probably doesn't help that I've been drunk 6/7 nights for the past week - ey, we all have our own ways of coping!
On Thursday night, I travelled into London and went to a concert at Heaven (under the arches). I went to see an American band named Echosmith, and I had so much fun!! It was honestly one of the most incredible nights of this year and I will be sure to remember it. If you've never heard of Echosmith, please go and listen to their album. You will not regret it!!
I'd love to answer your questions about Bahrain if you have any! In the meantime, I hope the after easter blues aren't too bad for any of you - and for those of you in the UK - Enjoy Bank Holiday!!
Lucy Victoria xo
Friday, 17 April 2015
Shopping Haul!
Hello Everyone!
Over Easter I did a lot of shopping! This was partly because I was in Bahrain, and the main mall there is a mixture of both British, American and European shops. This was heaven to me, and I dragged my friend shopping on numerous occasions. Yes, I probably spent WAY too much money, but I feel like I got so much! I've also added in some things that I purchased in the UK / my best friend gave me for my birthday (because we're so far away we don't get to see each other very often!) - Most of these things should still be in the shops, but I don't know where / how much they would be, as majority of things I bought in Bahrain!
Over Easter I did a lot of shopping! This was partly because I was in Bahrain, and the main mall there is a mixture of both British, American and European shops. This was heaven to me, and I dragged my friend shopping on numerous occasions. Yes, I probably spent WAY too much money, but I feel like I got so much! I've also added in some things that I purchased in the UK / my best friend gave me for my birthday (because we're so far away we don't get to see each other very often!) - Most of these things should still be in the shops, but I don't know where / how much they would be, as majority of things I bought in Bahrain!
This playsuit is from Pimkie, and I love it so much! Its got a zip all the way down the front and tightens at the waist, so totally makes me feel skinny! Its got an adorable collar, which I normally don't go for. My friend who I was staying with in Bah convinced me to buy this, because when it was on the hanger I wasn't so keen, but everytime I put it on, I love it!
This adorable summer dress is from Aeropostale, and was super cheap! I remember that I got it for 7BD, when it was reduced from 21BD!! Its got a higher front, but still rests just above my chest, but I love the back on this number! Its a floral pattern which I'm still trying to figure out if it is black or navy, but its super comfortable and I love wearing it!
This dress is also from Aeropostale, and I got it again for 7BD (reduced from 21!)! I love the summery patterns on this! The skirt is white with a pattern, and it feels very vibrant. The waist goes in again, but I would say its a little less flattering than the other things I have! The one thing I loved about this was the back! Its fully open, with 3 strings which can be tied and adjusted to be comfortable for you, which is good if your chest is perhaps bigger than average! I love the patterns on this dress too!
This playsuit is the only piece of clothing which I purchased back in England. Its from River Island, and cost me £25! I only bought it recently, so it should still be on the shelves! The straps are super pretty, with 3 strands each. The pattern is different, being almost purple with white, black and turquoise. Again, the playsuit clinches in at the waist which I love, as I feel like I have a body shape which goes in at the waist and is probably one of my best assets. I loved this playsuit because I felt that I could dress it up for a night out, or I could wear it casually during the day!
Back to Bahrain shopping, I got this top from Forever 21. It cost me 4.9BD, but I couldn't tell you how much this is in dollar/uk pound! It's more of an aztec pattern, with deep reds, yellows and blues. It's got a mixture of colours, and its quite baggy, meaning that its super comfortable and super casual.
This top is the same as the one above, but it has a different pattern. Again, its from Forever 21, and cost me 4.9BD. Its got elephants on it and is black and white. It reminds me of Thailand, as my friends have trousers from Thailand which have the same pattern! Again, its flowy, and is super comfortable!
This casual 'OK' top is from Pull & Bear. It's a slouchy tee, with a pocket in the corner. Its a V Neck, and again is super comfortable. I like to pair it with a pair of shorts, leggings or jeans, so its so casual!
This top is from Pimkie, which is a european brand. This top is very different to what I would normally wear, but I love it! Its so colourful and summery, and I feel like you can either dress it up or dress it down. The material is a little different, and feels almost swimsuit like, but its super comfy and is not clingy as you would believe.
This is probably my favourite top that I brought whilst in Bahrain. Its from Aeropostale, and was quite pricy for what it is. It's white and blue, with little specs of white amongst the blue. The back is so pretty with little flowers in the lace. Although its long sleeved, it's very light and so even if its warm I could probably still wear this!
Accessories, Body Sprays and Hand Sanitizers!
I love this bag so much! When I first saw it, I didn't buy it as I wasn't sure that I needed another bag. As I walked around the rest of the mall, all I kept doing was counting my money to see if I could go back and buy it!! Its quite big, so can fit so much in it. The yellow zip gives such a splash of colour and the inside has a large bag inside to store everything. There isn't any pockets, which makes it slightly difficult when trying to find something quickly, but honestly, I am so glad I got this bag.
Lord help me, I love Bath and Body Works. We don't have a Bath and Body Works in the UK, and so whenever I travel to America or someone goes that I know, the one thing I request is Hand Sanitizers. In Bahrain, they had sprays on a buy 2 get one free deal, as well as buy 4 hand sanitisers get 2 free (I don't have one in the photos because I'm pretty sure it's in my going out bag...). The Cool Amazon Rain and Endless Weekend sprays are part of the new Spring release, and I just love the velvet sugar. All the sprays are to DIE for, and I carry one with me all the time. The Hand Sanitizers are the perfect size to fit in clutch bags, and I keep one in every handbag I own. I can't go anywhere without one. These smells are all delicious, and if I could eat them I probably would.
My best friend from home brought me these earrings for my birthday from New Look, and I think they are adorable!! They are all quite sophisticated, again good for night time or day time wear. After taking this photo, I changed into the ones on the far left. I love the different colours, which can go with so many different outfits. I am excited to wear them all!
She also got me these beautiful necklaces (also from New Look) which can be worn separately or as a 3. They are all different lengths, so can be worn as a set of three. I think they are absolutely beautiful, and can't wait to find an outfit that I can wear all three together with!!
I hope you liked this blog post - It's so different to what I normally do and has loads of photos! I also just want to thank everyone who commented on my last post hoping that I was okay. I'm doing so much better, but still sometimes things are a little down for me. It honestly made me feel so appreciated and made me see how much my followers do care abut me! So, I just want to thank everyone for being there for me!
Lucy Victoria xo
Sunday, 22 March 2015
Well...I'm Ashamed
Hello Everyone.
Recently, I've been so busy that I've abandoned you all. I feel like I had a baby, then left it for 2 weeks without care. Obviously, I haven't done that. In fact, why I've been away has been much simpler than that. I, Lucy Victoria, have become empowered by deadlines. I have *had* deadlines up until Friday, and quite frankly, after spending on average 9 hours in the library a day, the last thing you want to do is ANYTHING but sleep.
The good news, now I guess, is that I've finished university for a month and am back home. The other good news is that all my deadlines (this side of easter) have been handed in, so I can actually relax for a little bit of time. Not long however, as I have deadlines in May, and some of these are back to back. On top of this, I'll be sitting exams, so second year, you are KILLING ME. The bad news, now that I am home, is that I am bored. I've been home for just over 24 hours, and all I've done is 3 loads of washing, eat 2 takeaways (and go out for a meal once), AND cleaned my car. That is so not me, and I'm struggling to deal with it.
I've sat down and tried to write posts. Hauls (I went shopping the other day, and got a few pieces), dating, library advice, but none of these seemed to call to me. So, Blog, I'm sorry for abandoning you. I guess now that I have a month off, perhaps I should schedule posts so that I don't fall behind, and leave you again. But, for now, I'll try and stick to my schedule of posts Wednesdays and Sundays - but don't be upset if I end up only posting once a week!
Over this month, I don't really have many plans whilst I'm at home. On Sunday (29th), I fly to Bahrain for 10 days. Expect photos of that, cause I am excited!! My best friend (one of them) from University lives out there with her family, so this year I decided to book up and head out there. The weather is meant to be beautiful this time of year. Hopefully I'll come back with a killer tan, and make my family jealous (Although they are leaving me at the end of the hols so I better not make them too jealous...).
I also plan to go up to Nottingham at some point, because my best friend from home lives up there whilst she's at university. From where I live, this isn't too far and would be so much fun to visit her again, especially as I had such a good time last year when I visited! Other than this, London should expect a few visits, and I hope to see some of my university friends. I have plans with some of my home friends to go and explore a few things and have a general catch up, but honestly I am awful at keeping in touch with people whilst I'm away, and I should probably make more effort!
What are you guys getting up too this easter? And if you're in America, I hope you had an awesome spring break!!
Sorry for abandoning you all, I AM BACK. Also, to all you new followers! Hello and welcome to my ramblings!:)
Lucy Victoria xo
Recently, I've been so busy that I've abandoned you all. I feel like I had a baby, then left it for 2 weeks without care. Obviously, I haven't done that. In fact, why I've been away has been much simpler than that. I, Lucy Victoria, have become empowered by deadlines. I have *had* deadlines up until Friday, and quite frankly, after spending on average 9 hours in the library a day, the last thing you want to do is ANYTHING but sleep.
The good news, now I guess, is that I've finished university for a month and am back home. The other good news is that all my deadlines (this side of easter) have been handed in, so I can actually relax for a little bit of time. Not long however, as I have deadlines in May, and some of these are back to back. On top of this, I'll be sitting exams, so second year, you are KILLING ME. The bad news, now that I am home, is that I am bored. I've been home for just over 24 hours, and all I've done is 3 loads of washing, eat 2 takeaways (and go out for a meal once), AND cleaned my car. That is so not me, and I'm struggling to deal with it.
I've sat down and tried to write posts. Hauls (I went shopping the other day, and got a few pieces), dating, library advice, but none of these seemed to call to me. So, Blog, I'm sorry for abandoning you. I guess now that I have a month off, perhaps I should schedule posts so that I don't fall behind, and leave you again. But, for now, I'll try and stick to my schedule of posts Wednesdays and Sundays - but don't be upset if I end up only posting once a week!
Over this month, I don't really have many plans whilst I'm at home. On Sunday (29th), I fly to Bahrain for 10 days. Expect photos of that, cause I am excited!! My best friend (one of them) from University lives out there with her family, so this year I decided to book up and head out there. The weather is meant to be beautiful this time of year. Hopefully I'll come back with a killer tan, and make my family jealous (Although they are leaving me at the end of the hols so I better not make them too jealous...).
I also plan to go up to Nottingham at some point, because my best friend from home lives up there whilst she's at university. From where I live, this isn't too far and would be so much fun to visit her again, especially as I had such a good time last year when I visited! Other than this, London should expect a few visits, and I hope to see some of my university friends. I have plans with some of my home friends to go and explore a few things and have a general catch up, but honestly I am awful at keeping in touch with people whilst I'm away, and I should probably make more effort!
What are you guys getting up too this easter? And if you're in America, I hope you had an awesome spring break!!
Sorry for abandoning you all, I AM BACK. Also, to all you new followers! Hello and welcome to my ramblings!:)
Lucy Victoria xo
Sunday, 8 March 2015
I Think I'm Queen Of Procrastination
Hello Everyone!
I've recently realised that I am totally queen of procrastination. Honestly, I'm not sure how I manage to get anything done at university. I'm not sure how any of my assignments get handed in on time, how I manage to do any form of reading or how I've actually made it to EVERY SINGLE ONE of my lectures/seminars!. Quite frankly, Sometimes I wonder how I get out of bed.
If you've ever been to University, You'll know that its a vicious cycle of lectures, not enough sleep, essays, and really shitty food. Value food quickly became my best friend, as did sales so I could actually get some new clothes and treat myself. Anyway, This vicious cycle meant that I was constantly tired (and still am), and trying to balance a social life with the endless amount of essays and review papers, as well as the planning for my dissertation. So, I became queen (yes queen) of procrastination.
As of today, I have one assignment due tomorrow (heavily planned, but not written), I have another due on the 18th? and another due the 20th. This means that I'm going to be so busy and don't have much time for a social life (but I guarantee I go out anyway - oops). These are my ways of procrastination, which I find myself regularly doing....
My first, and favourite distraction, are my friends. This means that I would much rather text/facetime/whatsapp them. Or just go bother my housemates to the point that THEY become distracted. This definitely wastes at least 1 hour of my time, replying to messages, looking at my phone for messages, and FaceTiming definitely wastes way more than an hour.
My second distraction is Youtube. When I want something on in the background, I'll find myself going through my youtube Subscriptions and finding lots of daily vlogs which i haven't watched yet, or midweek uploads. I can waste atleast 2 hours on here, just flicking back and forth between the work that I SHOULD have done and the videos I SHOULDN'T be watching!
I also find Netflix ruins my education at times like this - C'mon Netflix, why did you need to drag me into watching that series with 3 seasons? Each episode an hour long? Not cool. I also find that I try to watch them at the same time as doing my work, and my screen just purely isn't big enough to watch them both on. Maybe this is where my Ipad could come in handy...looks like I just had an idea. (sorry work!). I recently did a post on what to watch on Netflix...These are the series I'm loving!
Social Media also needs to take some of the blame here for my lack of motivation. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram...all equally guilty. Course I'm more interested in what Sandy* may be doing (even if it is REALLY boring). Yes, of course I want to read the article that a random group has posted (and my timeline is FILLED with pointless news articles/videos - did anyone else just like heaps of groups in year 8?). Twitter just brings things to my attention which weren't previously (dress situation anyone?), and Instagram just makes me want to post pictures of my food.
Another website, that I spend HOURS on, is Tumblr. Tumblr is 100% my favourite website in the webspace. I love the simplicity, and I truly believe some of the funniest, wittiest people are on Tumblr. I can just be scrolling through my timeline, and burst out into laughter. If Im unhappy, Tumblr will always cheer me up. After navigating my blog through the webspace for just over 4 years, I feel very strongly attached to it, and am also very proud of the blog it has become!
Food is another distraction. YES, I would rather be eating than writing an essay. Sure, Housemate, I'd love to go to Sprinkles (the most insane dessert place ever, with like, waffles and chocolate and ice cream and stuff!!). Sure body, lets eat some toast. Oh, you're still hungry? no worries, lets eat that pizza...I swear, when I'm trying to not get distracted, I always do.
I also use this blog as a distraction. Like I said earlier, I have an essay due TOMORROW. Which I HAVENT done. Yikes. I guess I better start writing:(
Hope you all have a wonderful day!!
Lucy Victoria xo
I've recently realised that I am totally queen of procrastination. Honestly, I'm not sure how I manage to get anything done at university. I'm not sure how any of my assignments get handed in on time, how I manage to do any form of reading or how I've actually made it to EVERY SINGLE ONE of my lectures/seminars!. Quite frankly, Sometimes I wonder how I get out of bed.
If you've ever been to University, You'll know that its a vicious cycle of lectures, not enough sleep, essays, and really shitty food. Value food quickly became my best friend, as did sales so I could actually get some new clothes and treat myself. Anyway, This vicious cycle meant that I was constantly tired (and still am), and trying to balance a social life with the endless amount of essays and review papers, as well as the planning for my dissertation. So, I became queen (yes queen) of procrastination.
As of today, I have one assignment due tomorrow (heavily planned, but not written), I have another due on the 18th? and another due the 20th. This means that I'm going to be so busy and don't have much time for a social life (but I guarantee I go out anyway - oops). These are my ways of procrastination, which I find myself regularly doing....
My first, and favourite distraction, are my friends. This means that I would much rather text/facetime/whatsapp them. Or just go bother my housemates to the point that THEY become distracted. This definitely wastes at least 1 hour of my time, replying to messages, looking at my phone for messages, and FaceTiming definitely wastes way more than an hour.
My second distraction is Youtube. When I want something on in the background, I'll find myself going through my youtube Subscriptions and finding lots of daily vlogs which i haven't watched yet, or midweek uploads. I can waste atleast 2 hours on here, just flicking back and forth between the work that I SHOULD have done and the videos I SHOULDN'T be watching!
I also find Netflix ruins my education at times like this - C'mon Netflix, why did you need to drag me into watching that series with 3 seasons? Each episode an hour long? Not cool. I also find that I try to watch them at the same time as doing my work, and my screen just purely isn't big enough to watch them both on. Maybe this is where my Ipad could come in handy...looks like I just had an idea. (sorry work!). I recently did a post on what to watch on Netflix...These are the series I'm loving!
Social Media also needs to take some of the blame here for my lack of motivation. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram...all equally guilty. Course I'm more interested in what Sandy* may be doing (even if it is REALLY boring). Yes, of course I want to read the article that a random group has posted (and my timeline is FILLED with pointless news articles/videos - did anyone else just like heaps of groups in year 8?). Twitter just brings things to my attention which weren't previously (dress situation anyone?), and Instagram just makes me want to post pictures of my food.
Another website, that I spend HOURS on, is Tumblr. Tumblr is 100% my favourite website in the webspace. I love the simplicity, and I truly believe some of the funniest, wittiest people are on Tumblr. I can just be scrolling through my timeline, and burst out into laughter. If Im unhappy, Tumblr will always cheer me up. After navigating my blog through the webspace for just over 4 years, I feel very strongly attached to it, and am also very proud of the blog it has become!
Food is another distraction. YES, I would rather be eating than writing an essay. Sure, Housemate, I'd love to go to Sprinkles (the most insane dessert place ever, with like, waffles and chocolate and ice cream and stuff!!). Sure body, lets eat some toast. Oh, you're still hungry? no worries, lets eat that pizza...I swear, when I'm trying to not get distracted, I always do.
I also use this blog as a distraction. Like I said earlier, I have an essay due TOMORROW. Which I HAVENT done. Yikes. I guess I better start writing:(
Hope you all have a wonderful day!!
Lucy Victoria xo
Wednesday, 4 March 2015
The Emoji Challenge!
Hello Everyone!
I recently saw Troye Sivan's Youtube video on Emojis. In the video, he explained that he had recently been at a meeting where they had to go round the table and describe themselves with 5 emojis. I found this so interesting, and decided that it might be a fun thing to do here on my blog! I've decided to make this into a thing! (Its probably been done before, so if you know who started it please link them to me so I can give credit!) I'm going to tag a few bloggers at the end (no more than 5!) and would like them to do it, and then tag 5 of their favourite blogs! So, without further ado...
These Eyes are my favourite emoji on my iPhone. To me, they show when I'm being sarcastic. My texts tend to be very sarcastic and this doesn't always come across well, so when I use these eyes its very obvious! I also use them to question my decisions or what I'm saying! So, these are probably my favourite emoji!
This dancing girl is my almost spirit animal. I use her when I'm talking about partying or going somewhere. If I'm nearly ready, I'll send this emoji! Just one question - WHY NO HANDS?
I recently saw Troye Sivan's Youtube video on Emojis. In the video, he explained that he had recently been at a meeting where they had to go round the table and describe themselves with 5 emojis. I found this so interesting, and decided that it might be a fun thing to do here on my blog! I've decided to make this into a thing! (Its probably been done before, so if you know who started it please link them to me so I can give credit!) I'm going to tag a few bloggers at the end (no more than 5!) and would like them to do it, and then tag 5 of their favourite blogs! So, without further ado...
These Eyes are my favourite emoji on my iPhone. To me, they show when I'm being sarcastic. My texts tend to be very sarcastic and this doesn't always come across well, so when I use these eyes its very obvious! I also use them to question my decisions or what I'm saying! So, these are probably my favourite emoji!
This dancing girl is my almost spirit animal. I use her when I'm talking about partying or going somewhere. If I'm nearly ready, I'll send this emoji! Just one question - WHY NO HANDS?
This cute little smiling emoji is definitely my favourite smiley face! I'm a generally happy and smiley person, so I like the little rosy cheeks and cute grin! I probably use this emoji in every text I send, and it makes me smile seeing how happy it looks!
Having a nightmare? Don't know what to wear? THIS IS THE PERFECT EMOJI! Whenever I'm in meltdown, and I get a text, I'll send this emoji! This makes my friends know that I'm panicking, and they will help me! I also think its quite funny, looks like the poor thing is having a nightmare!
Anyone who says they don't use this emoji on a regular basis is lying. The three monkeys actually stand for 'hear no evil', 'see no evil' and 'speak no evil'. I use this emoji when I think I'm saying something really stupid. Or, if Im just having a laugh, ill use this. Again, I probably use this emoji every day, so definitely means something to me!
Ive probably chosen 5 of the most common emojis, but I find that there is so many that I just have a nightmare scrolling through them! Also, Why did apple move the hearts to the last page of the faces!? (and the food...)
My Tagged Blogs
Jessica and Megan at: Happy Dreamers
Tania at: Tania Garcia
Raven at: Just Write About It
Courtney at: Jacksons Cup Of Tea
Jezebel at: Jezebel Tuesday
I look forward to seeing your 5 favourite emojis and who youve tagged!
Happy Wednesday,
Lucy Victoria xo
Sunday, 1 March 2015
My Worst Fears
Hello Everyone!
Happy Sunday! This week has been crazy. I've been out on Wednesday and Friday, so I've just been chilling out and relaxing after those nights. This week the insane dress situation came out. Is the dress blue and black or gold and white?! Absolutely ridiculous.
Happy Sunday! This week has been crazy. I've been out on Wednesday and Friday, so I've just been chilling out and relaxing after those nights. This week the insane dress situation came out. Is the dress blue and black or gold and white?! Absolutely ridiculous.
You know what else I find absolutely ridiculous? The fact that I’m Twenty and I have an endless list of fears. The reason this post comes around is because earlier, I was putting off making a phone call. A PHONE CALL!!!. I had to renew my driving insurance, now that I’m going onto my third driving year (since I’ve passed - but I’ll leave that!!), but I found that I could get it £100 cheaper elsewhere. My parents (how could they abandon me at times like this?) told me that I had to ring my insurance company to get them to match the quote. I put it off for as long as possible. around 5 hours later, I got the courage to finally pick up my phone, and you know what? I was fine. Can you call me an adult now?
Number One
I guess the best place to start here would be phone calls. If I know the person well, then I have no problem picking up the phone. If I know someone well but feel that its going to be an awkward conversation, I’ll avoid it. Call me on an unknown number, and I for sure will not answer. Doesn’t matter if I’m waiting for a phone call, I’d rather leave my phone and let it go to voicemail, then worry about calling people back. If I just answered my phone in the first place, then I wouldn’t have the worry of calling people! If I have to be the person to make the phone call, god forbid its not important, because calling people is one thing thats so scary to me. So so stupid right?!?!
Number Two
Cats. I am terrified of Cats. Not Kittens, but big cats that walk around the streets like they own the place. Listen up Cat, This is my road, my house is here, why should I have to cross the road? Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind cats that I’ve known since they were kittens (i.e., 1 cat), but if I see an older cat, I will move. Cross the road, walk quickly. Hell no if its coming near me. BACK AWAY.
Number Three
Another thing Im scared of, is complete darkness outside. If I have to walk somewhere when its completely dark, I WILL NOT GO. I will not. I also get terrified when I’m at home getting out my car at night. I also do not like driving down unlit roads. Where I live at home, there’s a road which is completely dark, surrounded by a woods, which leads to our nearest nightclub. Sometimes, (when I’m back home), I drive to collect my sister. I always freak out, have to have my lights on full beam and my music up so loud. I WILL NOT BE SCARED.
Number Four
Snakes and Spiders. WHO CREATED THEM? I hate Spiders. My house is my house and they shouldn’t be allowed in them. HELL NO. Snakes are gross too. Why should something slither along the floor and be strong enough to kill certain other animals?! I hate them so much. I don’t understand how people have them as pets, If I was sleeping in the same room as a spider or a snake I’d be terrified it was going to kill me. Not Cool nature, not cool.
Number Five
Exams terrify me. I’m the kind of person who gets worried about exams and will revise for days. DAYS. I guess the revision thing is good, but the actual panicking that goes through me is horrible. I suffer from mild panic attacks, so exam time periods are not the best for me. AT ALL.
Number Six
My friends recently experienced this with me, and will not stop taking the mick. So, fear number six is walking into a room late. Into a room with lots of other people. The other week, me and my housemates were running late to a lecture. By the time we got there, the lecture had already started, and everyone was silent. Ofcourse, I went into the room first and there was NOWHERE to sit. I mean, we would have to ask people to move and they would have to stand up. Now, heres me, worrier, going bright red. Ofcourse, I accidentally mutter a swear word (loudly..) so people at the front turn round. By this time I was out of the door, trying to get into the other one. Now, I moan at my friends when they’re going to be late. “DONT YOU REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED LAST TIME?!?"
Number Seven
I have so much respect for mothers. Childbirth scares the hell out of me. Why does something THAT BIG come out of something so small?!? Childbirth must hurt so much I can’t even comprehend it. I want children, but I do not want to put myself through that. I guess the outcome is amazing, but why must it hurt so much?!
Number Eight
Number Eight is so superficial. In this modern day and age, losing my phone is a huge fear of mine. My phone is just part of me. It holds all my music, holds all my phones (my camera broke a while ago!), its got loads of notes on it, and it also has all my numbers on (Which I don’t remember any of!). I guess this one is so superficial. Oh well.
Number Nine
I also have a fear of dying. Whether it be me, or someone else. Death is such a terrifying thing, it can happen in any way. I would not want it to be painful, and I don’t want to be really old. Like, over 100. I feel like its going to get to the point when I’m so old I can’t do anything and that would worry me. I would not want this to happen!. Obviously I know I’m going to die at one point, but lets hope thats not soon.
I probably have many other fears - but I feel like this post has gone on for so long! Does anybody else have any weird fears or share any of mine?!?
Lucy Victoria xo
Wednesday, 25 February 2015
Cutting my hair?!?!
Hello Everyone!
I have had a manic start to the week. I had an assignment due in for yesterday (as well as a long day), and I made the mistake of leaving it for the last 2 days. I managed to get it all finished and handed in, but I did end up with 4 hours sleep the other night (yikes!!). This meant last night I spent hours sleeping (probably about 12 hours!), and so I'm all caught up on sleep now, but I think I've overslept so I'm still knackered!
Tonight I think I'm going out - so that'll be nice. I'm looking forward to just letting my hair down and having fun. I still need to have dinner and everything - so guess I better start getting ready soon!
Last night I was just lying in bed and thinking - does anybody else's brain go into overdrive when they should be sleeping?. I was wondering: have you ever not done something out of fear of what others may think of you? Why do we care what others think?! Recently, Its become more and more aware to me, now that I'm in my twenties, lots more people care what others think of them. But why should we care? Shouldn't you love yourself for you and nobody else? I think its so important to love yourself before someone else. I'm still learning to love myself, some days its harder than others. Some days I feel super confident and happy, and other days I just want to sit in my comfiest pyjamas and stay in bed. I don't think theres any problems with this - some days I know I eat badly, others I eat well. Some days I go to the gym, others I don't. Just random thoughts.
Im also thinking about cutting my hair! At the moment, my hair (when straight) goes down the the middle of my chest. I want to cut it so that it just hits my shoulders - like this:
I have had a manic start to the week. I had an assignment due in for yesterday (as well as a long day), and I made the mistake of leaving it for the last 2 days. I managed to get it all finished and handed in, but I did end up with 4 hours sleep the other night (yikes!!). This meant last night I spent hours sleeping (probably about 12 hours!), and so I'm all caught up on sleep now, but I think I've overslept so I'm still knackered!
Tonight I think I'm going out - so that'll be nice. I'm looking forward to just letting my hair down and having fun. I still need to have dinner and everything - so guess I better start getting ready soon!
Last night I was just lying in bed and thinking - does anybody else's brain go into overdrive when they should be sleeping?. I was wondering: have you ever not done something out of fear of what others may think of you? Why do we care what others think?! Recently, Its become more and more aware to me, now that I'm in my twenties, lots more people care what others think of them. But why should we care? Shouldn't you love yourself for you and nobody else? I think its so important to love yourself before someone else. I'm still learning to love myself, some days its harder than others. Some days I feel super confident and happy, and other days I just want to sit in my comfiest pyjamas and stay in bed. I don't think theres any problems with this - some days I know I eat badly, others I eat well. Some days I go to the gym, others I don't. Just random thoughts.
Im also thinking about cutting my hair! At the moment, my hair (when straight) goes down the the middle of my chest. I want to cut it so that it just hits my shoulders - like this:
My hair at the moment is brunette, probably around Kylie's colour, with blonde dip dye (which is kind of fading into a dark brown. Has anybody else cut their hair to make it shorter when its been around chest length!?!
This post has kind of been everywhere - so I hope thats okay. Just my ramblings of today!
Lucy Victoria xo
Sunday, 22 February 2015
What To Watch On Netflix
Hello Everyone!
Happy Sunday. Hope everyones looking forward to a fun week ahead (Who else DREADS Mondays?!?!). I've been out twice this week, so Wednesday and Friday were fun nights for me with my friends. This week I also know that I've been procrastinating to the max. I have a deadline on Tuesday and all I seem to have done is potter around the subject, writing the slightest few facts that I need to know. I definitely need to buckle down and finish that today, and here I am writing down a post at 4am. You know why I'm here at 4am? I'm watching Netflix. I have become obsessed, and I can't stop watching series.
One of the series on Netflix that I am loving right now is The Carrie Diaries. Based on the story before Sex and The City, The Carrie Diaries follows a young Carrie Bradshaw in high school. It stars AnnaSophia Robb as Carrie, and the adorable Austin Butler as Sebastian Kidd. I could watch Austin Butler all day - I am seriously going crazy. There are 2 series of this, as unfortunately it was cancelled back in May 2014. That makes me ridiculously sad because I honestly love it so much, so you should definitely try and watch it. I can sit for hours and just watch it (I accidentally watched 7 hours of it yesterday...)
Happy Sunday. Hope everyones looking forward to a fun week ahead (Who else DREADS Mondays?!?!). I've been out twice this week, so Wednesday and Friday were fun nights for me with my friends. This week I also know that I've been procrastinating to the max. I have a deadline on Tuesday and all I seem to have done is potter around the subject, writing the slightest few facts that I need to know. I definitely need to buckle down and finish that today, and here I am writing down a post at 4am. You know why I'm here at 4am? I'm watching Netflix. I have become obsessed, and I can't stop watching series.
One of the series on Netflix that I am loving right now is The Carrie Diaries. Based on the story before Sex and The City, The Carrie Diaries follows a young Carrie Bradshaw in high school. It stars AnnaSophia Robb as Carrie, and the adorable Austin Butler as Sebastian Kidd. I could watch Austin Butler all day - I am seriously going crazy. There are 2 series of this, as unfortunately it was cancelled back in May 2014. That makes me ridiculously sad because I honestly love it so much, so you should definitely try and watch it. I can sit for hours and just watch it (I accidentally watched 7 hours of it yesterday...)
Another series I bingewatched when it first came out was Orange is the New Black. Again, there are 2 series of this, and follows Piper when she gets put into an all woman's jail. I loved the first series of this programme, although I wasn't a massive lover of the second series. But, either way, I'd definitely recommend giving this programme a watch.
Greek was a programme which I had never heard of before until I logged into Netflix one day and it was there. I decided to add it to my list, not thinking much of it. However, One day when I was bored, I decided to start watching it. And what a mistake - I don't think I did anything for the next 2 weeks. On Netflix there are 4 "chapters" which go through the stages of Casey Cartwright's experience at university once her brother has joined. Honestly - I loved this.
My favourite programme to date. The Vampire Diaries is something that I just fell in love with. Following Elena Gilbert, a girl who happened to get involved with the Salvatore brothers because of who she was a doppleganger of. On Netflix there are 5 Seasons, each episode around 40 minutes long. This was the first series I ever watched on Netflix and it took me a month to get through the whole series. I'm also very attracted to the majority of the male cast, so I couldn't really go wrong here...
A follow up from The Vampire Diaries, The Originals goes back to the beginning, setting the scene for the ever popular VD. Although this series doesn't have the Salvatore brothers at the beginning, its very addictive and worth watching. If you like the Vampire Diaries, you'll love The Originals. There's only one season on the British Netflix, but you can access the other series online elsewhere.
Who doesn't love a little bit of Drama?! Gossip Girl has that, following Serena and Blair in NY, and has a flawless cast. On Netflix, there are 6 seasons, so plenty of watching! I'm still working through this series, but I am loving it!
Life Unexpected was also something that I had never heard of before seeing it pop up on my recommended Netflix list. Again, I added it to my list for a rainy day, and when that came I decided to click and watch a few episodes. However, A few episodes (and hours) later, I found I was again addicted to the programme. Life Unexpected follows an unconventional family - Teenager Lux found her birth parents (who had been separated before her birth), and wormed her way back into their lives, with lots of twists of course. There is one season on Netflix, but there is another that can be found online elsewhere!
Probably the most unexpected that I loved on my list is American Horror Story. I am absolutely terrified of Horror normally, but I love watching this programme. I love the fact that all seasons are different, and follow different characters. I also love Evan Peters - a little bit of an odd crush for me to have I think! I can never watch American Horror Story at night (or in the dark), because it absolutely terrifies me (haha), but my housemate has assured me season 3 is not as scary as Asylum, so I'll start watching that when I've finished with The Carrie Diaries!! (There are 3 series of this on Netflix!!)
I know that my sister and my housemates have really enjoyed watching Pretty Little Liars on Netflix, and my parents really love Breaking Bad. I have lots on my list which I'm looking forward to watching, including PLL, BB, Greys Anatomy and ALL 10 SEASONS OF FRIENDS!!!! What?!?!
Who cares about my degree? Certainly not Netflix!!
Let me know what you've loved watching at the moment!! Is there anything on Netflix which I should put on my list?!
Have a good week, and I'll see you all again on Wednesday!
Lucy Victoria xo
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